Musings ...

from a Twisted mind.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lay Your Cards On the Table

Lately I’ve been having a lot of tarot card readings.  Some I take with a grain of salt and others I take very seriously, but nonetheless all are fun.  I also chalk that up to my tarot reader who is not only brilliant but quickly becoming my new best friend.
In my life; all intimate relationships have had a beginning, middle, and end.  Recently I had the courage to let go of a dead-end three year relationship and once again, I find myself single and back on the market with a broken heart.  Yuck.  Not necessarily an attractive sight when one is quickly approaching their 50th birthday.  
After a few months of tears, depression and loneliness, I decided it was time to be proactive with my life.  Having felt sexually and skin starved for quite some time, I phoned an acquaintance who was also freshly available.  Together we settled on a casual sexual liaison.  Yummy, a younger lover.  A relationship wherein both our primal needs get met, sprinkled with doses of out of the bedroom fun thrown in for good measure.
Ironically, we were both a tad bit surprised at our intense chemistry.  After some steamy nights (and days!), it became apparent that we needed to have “that” talk.  Is this going anywhere?  If so, where?  Is there an expiration date?  This is what I want.  This is what I need.  This is how I feel.
It was of great importance to me to continue walking the line of lightness and respect of our newfound connection.  For those of you that know me personally, you can attest to my pining for crystal clear communication.
Whilst taking a painting course in France, I was introduced to watercolor pencils.  Such a expressive way to draw and create an illusion of iridescence in the same stroke.  A light bulb came on one afternoon, I had the perfect idea to gently open the door for our conversation.  I whipped out the pencils and some paper.  Drawing inspiration from recently gazing at such alluring tarot cards, I cut the paper into seven rectangular shapes.  This is what they said:
name of my ex
name of the ex of my lover
sex (with little fireworks!)
a red heart/a grey scarred heart
One evening, I said, “I am going to lay my cards on the table”.  
I asked my new lover to shuffle and place them face down upon my table.  One by one my lover drew a card.  I commented on each and encouraged questions and remarks.  Together we had an insightful and brilliant conversation.  Creative and full of clarity - which is something this passionate Leo deeply cherishes.
So, if you’re feeling a little anxious about a heavy topic, give it some levity by unlocking your imagination!